Tour in my summer holiday!


        I go to the Zavkhan aimag in every summer. Because my grandparents live in here. Lastly I went to Zavkhan two years ago and I contacted many country.
       The first country is Khuvsgul aimag in northwest Mongolia. The altitude of high mountains of Khordil saridag, Soyon. There are beautiful passages in the mountain and many rivers.For example: Ider, Tes…
This is most humid region in Mongolia. There are many wild animals , in bears , foxes and wolves.
This country famous for Khuvsgul sea and water so pure. The best time to visit is in spring. Because weather is very cold in winter , hot in summer. I saw Murun museum. It has stuffed animals. And reindeer herder live in Khuvsgul. So this country is exotic i

About me


  I am driver  in vessel!!!
            My name is Dulamjav. My friends and people call “Dj”. I study in University of Information and communication technology in class of “Information technology”. I study second course. I like my profession very much.
           I live in Ulaanbaatar city with my family. There are four of us; my father ,my mother , my younger brother and me. My family is most capital in my life.
           I am tall , about 1 m 68 centimeter , and slim. I have got intermediate brown eyes and short dark hair. I always wear pants , jeans, shirt and jacket. Because I can not wear skirt and dress. I hate there!
          I have specific personality in my opinion. Because I am cooperative. I like to be a lot of friends. I am also very imaginative ; I like assume in my future and to model dresses. On the other hand , I tend to be sensitive some times , I get upset easily , so people be careful. I am shy as well ; I bustle to converse whit others.

Өндөр харагдахын тулд...

Эхлээд өөрөө цэх байх дасгал хийх хэрэгтэй. Энэ нь таныг мэдэгдэхүйц өндөр харагдуулна.

Бие барьсан хувцас

 Ихэнх хүмүүс биенд эвтэйхэн гээд бариу хувцас өмсдөг. Гэхдээ яг таарсан хувцас өмсөх нь хамгийн чухал. Энэ нь  биеийн шугамыг тодотгож өгдөг ба  биеийг өндөр болгон харагдуулдаг.

Өнгөний сонголт
Өндөр харагдахад өнгөний сонголт маш чухал . Хувцасны өнгө нэг нэгэндээ  ууссан байх хэрэгтэй. Энэ нь таныг урт өндөр харагдуулна.